The Smart Journalism Web Application, developed on the MERN stack, introduces a dynamic ecosystem for journalists, media administrators, and users. Journalists play a pivotal role by submitting news articles to the Media Admin, who meticulously moderates the content before making it visible to users. This ensures that the platform maintains high-quality, accurate, and reliable news coverage. Users, in turn, benefit from a seamless and engaging experience, gaining access to curated content and the option to subscribe to preferred media outlets. The subscription model, integrated with secure payment gateways, allows users to enjoy premium content, creating a sustainable and personalized news consumption platform. The application’s architecture not only fosters collaboration between journalists and administrators but also provides a responsive and user-friendly interface for subscribers. The Super Admin oversees the entire system, ensuring its smooth operation and security. By merging technological prowess with journalistic integrity, the Smart Journalism Web Application aims to redefine how news is created, moderated, and consumed in a digital era.

  • Digital Media Platform