Platforms for social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others have a big impact on our lives. Our lives nowadays rely heavily on social media. Everyone uses social media, whether it be to share beautiful, expensive photos, follow celebrities, or talk with nearby and distant pals. It is a fantastic place for exchanging knowledge and interacting with others. However, everything has a drawback. Social media has a significant role in our lives, yet there have been times when it has become problematic. People are actively participating in it the world over. However, it also has to deal with the issue of bogus profiles. False accounts are frequently created by humans, bots, software, or machines. They are employed in the spread of rumors and illegal actions like phishing and identity theft. The aim of this  project is to use several machine learning techniques to discriminate between fake and authentic  profiles.  It is possible to disable or delete a fake profile when it is found, preventing cyber security issues.

  • Social Media Impact and Fake Profile Detection