• MERN Stack

For several years, farmers in India have had little liberty in choosing markets and purchasers for their produceAccording to research, mediators have become dominating buyers of the agricultural market,resulting in them taking control over the plight of the farmers and gulping all the profits.The farmers work day and night expecting a good yield. They use a lot of financial resources, lending money and buying fertilizers, seeds etc. So, they have the right to enjoy every rupee gained on their corp. In this context, we propose a system which brings farmers close to the retailers cutting the middlemen.This system aims at giving a profitable price to farmers for their farm products, cutting the middlemen. This allows the retailers or the customers to buy products from the farmers at a lower than the normal price. Farmers upload their product with details and buyers view these details and book that product within a time.The System also got support for Krishi Bhavan to know the precautions for the climate change and allowances form the government to farmers .



  • Agricultural Market Reforms
  • Disintermediation in Farming
  • Farmer Empowerment