
Our Latest Projects:

With the ever-changing technical aspects and shifts in the IT scapes, it is vital to keep ourselves on toes. Keeping this in mind, our latest projects dealt with leading technologies like AI, Python, IoT, PHP, Software Testing, etc.

The information in social media can greatly affect the society, without analyzing the genuinity of the information. Social media has become an important source of data communication in the society.Twitter is one of the most popular and highly influential social media that helps the society to share information on different topics. The flexibility of twitter makes it easy to analyze and use for the common man. So to analyze our data, we are using topic oriented tweets in twitter. It will be very difficult to search for specific subject oriented tweets in Twitter. So we are introducing an application which analyses the tweets and provides an analysis report for the concerned topic. 

  • Social Media Analysis
  • Topic-Oriented Tweets
  • Twitter Data

This project is aimed at developing an online application for the training and placement cell of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an application for the officers of the college to manage the student information with regard to placement. Students logging should be able to upload their information as well as CV.Companies logging in can post notifications for recruitments. This project also aims at providing training for students. Training involves giving interview tips, conducting online examination, group discussion videos etc. A student who log into the site can attend mock test whenever wanted. Faculty also has a login and has the responsibility of adding student CGPA conducting exams, providing interview tips etc. Administrator has the responsibility of managing the system as a whole.  

  • College Placement System
  • Online Training and Placement
  • Student Recruitment Platform

In most of the cases, stay in hospitals is not practical due to high expenses and lack of facilities in most of the hospitals. A smart phone act as a gateway for data transfer to the cloud and the data or records are stored in cloud. The data stored in cloud may not be secure. To prevent unauthorized access from intruders, security and privacy of the medical records need to be ensured. This is achieved using symmetric encryption algorithm. Medical reports may be generated in varied forms. The reports generated in the form of images may be of larger size which increases the delay time compared to text records. In order to compress it, image compression techniques are applied which reduces the delay time and provide quick response to the alerts generated. The overall system consumes fewer resources and results in a better performance.

  • Data Security
  • Medical Image Compression
  • Mobile Health Records

This project is regarding the stadiums of India. In this project we will be including the background details like square feet of the stadium, previously conducted games or matches, upcoming games or events, current coaching details.

Module Description
The users will be accepted by this admin, they also have provision to add new stadiums, coaching details. Admin can review the new stadiums added by users.
The user will have to register in the website for the first time when he try to apply for a current coaching undergoing in the corresponding stadium. The user will have to select the stadium first and they will have to choose the coaching which they are planning to take. The users can add a new stadium to this web page. They can put comments on a particular stadium also.

  • Sports Facilities
  • Stadium Information

Personalized recommendations combat internet information overload. Privacy concerns hinder this; users hesitate to share data. We suggest generating fake profiles to protect privacy without compromising recommendation accuracy. Our client-based framework addresses this, ensuring existing algorithms remain unchanged. Our privacy model defines ideal fake profiles, emphasizing feature distribution similarity and sensitive subject coverage. We implement this using a product classification subject repository. Theoretical and experimental evidence supports our approach's effectiveness.

  • Fake Profiles for Privacy
  • Personalized Recommendations
  • Privacy Protection

Due increase in the usage of cloud based systems there is an increase in the amount of information on the cloud and as a result there is need for confidentiality. Most common method used for authentication is textual password. But these passwords are susceptible to shoulder surfing, dictionary attack, eavesdropping. Generally the passwords tend to follow patterns that are easier for attackers to guess. A literature survey shows that text-based password suffer this security problem. Pictographic passwords are provided as replacement to text based passwords. Pictographic passwords may prone to shoulder surfing. Pictographic passwords may suffer with the usability issue. This paper uses color code authentication which provides two step authentication to the user. Each time user logged in with generated one time password. This scheme is tested with different kinds of security attacks. User has to memorize only the sequence of three colors and three shades selected at the time of registration. This scheme is useful for secure authentication method for data protection on cloud.

  • Cloud Security
  • Color Code Authentication
  • Two-Step Authentication

"Public Music and Video Review" is a web-based platform designed to facilitate the sharing and evaluation of music and videos. This software allows users to upload their content and provides a dedicated video player for playback. Registered users have the privilege to both upload and download music and videos while engaging in discussions through comments. The platform also incorporates a rating system, enabling users to assign star ratings to the content they encounter, promoting active engagement and critique within the community.

  • Music and Video Reviews
  • Online Media Sharing
  • User-Generated Content

Predictive analytics, analyzing historical and current data, aids organizations in optimal decision-making by integrating the four W's (what, who, where, when) to understand why and how. It's crucial in higher education, enhancing quality, addressing issues like enrollment and curriculum. A case study at Delhi Technical University, India, demonstrates its potential.

  • Decision-Making
  • Higher Education
  • Predictive Analytics

The rise of social networks has spurred users to share their experiences, influencing recommender systems. This paper integrates personal and interpersonal factors into a unified recommendation model using probabilistic matrix factorization. Personal interest tailors recommendations for experienced users, while interpersonal interest similarity and influence aid cold start users. Experiments on Yelp, Movie Lens, and Douban Movie datasets demonstrate superior performance. Keywords: Interpersonal influence, personal interest, recommender system, social networks.

  • Probabilistic Matrix Factorization
  • Recommender Systems
  • Social Networks
  • PHP

The main aim of  our project is to prepare a Tax summary or Tax Returns of a client. In Tax Information system System, a client registers himself, enters all the details and uploads  various Documents that are necessary for preparation of Tax Summary and Schedules for an interview after successful submission  of all the documents. After all the procedures are completed  Tax Returns  or Tax summary is prepared for all the clients by the admin who calls the clients and arranges an interview for discussing various issues regarding Tax summary  .  

  • Tax Information System
  • Tax Returns
  • Tax Summary